Filip Petrović

PhD Filip Petrović

Principal Architectural Consultant

Dr. Filip Petrović was born in Belgrade in 1988. In 2003, he completed primary school “Josif Pančić” (holding Vuk’s diploma) and concurrently attended the “Stanković” Music School with piano as the main subject. In 2007, he graduated from XIII Belgrade Gymnasium as an excellent student, earning numerous diplomas and commendations for academic achievements.

He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture in 2010, followed by master’s studies where he graduated in 2012 with an average grade of 8.93 and a perfect score of 10 on his master’s thesis. Immediately after, he enrolled in Specialist Studies in Urban Renewal – Cities in the New Millennium, achieving an average grade of 8.87.

In 2013, he enrolled in the doctoral academic program in the field of urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, completing all required exams with an average grade of 9.8. He defended his doctoral thesis in 2023 at the Faculty of Architecture with a score of 10, focusing on the model e-platform for decision support to enhance accessibility in urban environments in the Republic of Serbia. Simultaneously, he pursued specialist studies in Energy Efficiency and Green Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, earning an average grade of 8.95.

Since joining the doctoral program in 2013, Dr. Filip Petrović has been engaged as a teaching associate at the Department of Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade. He has been an assistant at the same department since 2014, contributing to undergraduate, master’s, and master’s academic studies in integral urbanism.

During his tenure at the faculty, he has contributed to numerous scientific papers, exhibitions, and books (totaling 45), co-authoring two significant studies, one of which received recognition as one of the 75 globally best innovative practices in 2020.

In addition to his academic work, Dr. Filip Petrović has worked as an architect and consultant at the Republic Geodetic Institute (RGI) on the “Improving the Business Climate in Serbia” project, expanding his knowledge and experience in national reform projects.

He holds three licenses (Urbanist Responsible – License 200164218, Responsible Designer 321A03421, Responsible Contractor 421M03521) and is a member of the Engineering Chamber of Serbia (ECS) and the Urban Planners Association of Serbia (UPAS).

In parallel with his academic work, Dr. Filip Petrović engages in advisory and consulting work within architectural bureaus and professional committees, associations, and organizations. He is a member of the Planning Commission of the Municipality of Grocka and actively participates in international and domestic professional associations, contributing to expert work in various spatial and urban planning levels in the Republic of Serbia.

As a member of various professional teams, Dr. Filip Petrović has authored multiple implemented projects in urbanism (20), architecture (262), and spatial planning (10). Notable projects include the LC Waikiki store building in Knez Mihailova 44, significant modifications to the General Urban Plan of the City of Belgrade – correction of the protection zone of the Makiš water source with new purpose and space organization, and the Urban Architectural Project of a multifunctional facility of 100,000m2 in southern Serbia, among others.